VU Hockey Kicks Off November On Road In Atlanta

In honor of the club’s trip to Atlanta this weekend for a two game set against Emory and Georgia (Friday and Saturday, respectively), here are a few playful jabs* at the expense of the good ole Peach state …

How do you know you live in Georgia? When all directions start with “Go down Peachtree …” and include the phrase “When you see the Waffle House …”  Link

At the scene of the accident a trooper asked the Georgia driver what gear he was in at the moment of impact. He replied, “tractor hat and camouflage hunting outfit.”  Link

What’s Georgia good for?
a.  Getting from Florida to Tennessee.
b.  A good view of Chattanooga.
c.  A handy place to point to and say, “We don’t want to be like Atlanta.”
d.  All of the above

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the rink, should be a fun trip.  Roll / Hook ’em / War Damn / Boomer Sooner / Rock Chalk / Go ‘Dores!

*  It should be noted (and we humbly recognize) that one can swap “Tennessee” for “Georgia” in virtually any joke floating across the interwebs and, for the most part, maintain the continuity of the comedic value.

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